Over the past few months (and perhaps even since Covid) I have noticed a real change in people’s communication. It feels like the way we communicate has changed and as a result I don’t think that communication is as clear, or timely, as it used to be.

Clear communication is often taken for granted. Yet is is a crucial part of running a successful business. Without clear, effective communication, even the most well-thought-out strategies can struggle to get through. As a business owner, mastering the art of communication is essential – not just for your success but for the success of your business too.

In this blog I am going to explore why clear communication is crucial in business and how you can improve your communication skills to drive better results.

Why Communication Matters

Communication is more than just exchanging information; it’s about ensuring that the message is understood and that it leads to action. In a business context, this means that every interaction—from internal team meetings to client presentations—needs to be clear, concise, and purposeful.

  • Clarity Drives Results

One reason that businesses can struggle is a lack of clear communication. When goals, expectations, and responsibilities are not communicated effectively, it leads to confusion, mistakes, and inefficiencies. Clear communication helps ensure that everyone in your organisation is on the same page, working towards the same objectives. This alignment is critical for driving results and achieving business growth.

  • Building Stronger Relationships

Tony Alessandra, a renowned expert in communication and behavioural styles, emphasises that clear communication is key to building strong relationships, both within your team and with your clients. People are more likely to trust and engage with you if they feel understood and if your communication is straightforward. Strong relationships are the foundation of any successful business, and clear communication is the glue that holds those relationships together.

The Role of DISC in Communication

Understanding different communication styles is important for business owners. The DISC model, which categorises individuals into four primary behaviour types—Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness—provides valuable insights into how to communicate more effectively with different personality types.

  1. Tailoring Your Communication

Each DISC personality type has distinct communication preferences. For instance:

  • Dominance (D) types appreciate direct, to-the-point communication. They value efficiency and are likely to lose interest in long-winded explanations.
  • Influence (I) types thrive on enthusiasm and social interaction. They respond well to a positive, energetic communication style.
  • Steadiness (S) types prefer a calm, steady approach. They value security and are likely to respond better to a more thoughtful, measured communication style.
  • Conscientiousness (C) types focus on accuracy and detail. They appreciate a communication style that is precise, well-organised, and data-driven.

By understanding these differences, you can tailor your communication approach to better connect with your team members, clients, and partners. This leads to more effective interactions and, ultimately, better business outcomes.

  1. Improving Team Dynamics

Within a team, understanding DISC profiles can help improve collaboration and reduce conflicts. When team members understand each other’s communication styles, they can adjust their interactions to be more effective. For example, a Dominance type might learn to be more patient with a Steadiness type, while an Influence type might focus on providing more detailed information when working with a Conscientiousness type. These adjustments can lead to smoother team dynamics and a more productive work environment.

Communication is key to business success

Communication is one of the most critical skills for business success. Communication is not just about talking or writing; it’s about ensuring that the message is received and understood in the way it was intended – “Communication is the response you get”. This requires a strategic approach to communication within your business.

Implementing communication systems can really help – this could be regular team meetings, clear reporting structures, or standardised processes for client communication. By systematising communication, you reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings and ensure that important information is consistently shared across your organisation.

As a business owner, your communication style sets the tone for your entire organisation, which is why it is important that you lead by example. If you prioritise clear, transparent communication, your team is likely to follow suit. This not only improves internal operations but also enhances your brand’s reputation with clients and partners.

Practical Tips for Improving Communication in Your Business

Here are some actionable tips for improving communication within your business:

  • Be Clear and Concise: Whether you’re writing an email or giving a presentation, aim to be as clear and concise as possible. Avoid jargon and focus on delivering your message in a straightforward manner.
  • Encourage Feedback: Create an environment where team members feel comfortable providing feedback. This helps identify communication gaps and areas for improvement.
  • Use Multiple Channels: Different people prefer different communication channels. Some may respond better to face-to-face meetings, while others prefer written communication. Use a mix of channels to ensure your message is received.
  • Practice Active Listening: Communication is a two-way street. Practice active listening by giving your full attention to the speaker, asking clarifying questions, and summarising what you’ve heard to ensure understanding.

Clear communication is not just a soft skill; it’s a critical component of business success. By mastering the art of communication and understanding the nuances of different communication styles, you can build stronger relationships, improve team dynamics, and drive better results in your business.

As a business owner, the responsibility to set the communication standard within your organisation lies with you. By implementing some of the ideas in this blog and leveraging tools like the DISC model, you can transform the way you communicate—and in doing so, transform your business.