Throughout the last year the term ‘burnout’ has taken on a whole new meaning.
It is something that employers have become acutely aware of as their teams have been working remotely. We probably all know someone who is facing burnout and are on the look-out for the signs in our co-workers, friends and family. But, what about our businesses?
Some of the common signs of burnout include:
- Reduced performance
- Withdrawing from responsibilities
- Disengagement
- Procrastination
Are you seeing these symptoms in your business?
With reduced performance you might be seeing a dip in sales, or that you aren’t quite meeting your same levels of productivity. If your business is withdrawing from its responsibilities, is it meeting the requirements of its staff and its customers?
Has COVID caused your business to become stuck – not knowing which way to go next? This could easily lead to your levels of service reducing which might reflect in the engagement you are having with customers and prospects.
Perhaps you are feeling that there are things that the business needs to do but they’re not happening yet. “We can do that once everything is back to normal” Is that the case or is your business procrastinating? A lot of the times the things we are waiting for could still be done now.
If you’re recognising these signs in your business you can take action. Recognise that this is happening and take the first step of talking to someone about it. Reframe it – think about the small changes you could make the revitalise the business and start to put them into place. And finally, allow your business some stress relief by making time to work on it instead of in it.
If you need someone to talk to about your business burnout click the link here and book in for a virtual chat with one of our coaches.