As we approach the last few weeks of August is can be a great time to think about new ideas and strategies for growing your business. Most people I speak to at this time of year are finding things a little quieter while people go away on holidays so why not use this quieter spell to create a Dream 100 client list?

When it comes to growth, focusing your efforts on the right clients can make all the difference – the more A grade clients we have the easier our work becomes and more growth we can experience. This is where the concept of the “Dream 100” comes into play—a strategy talked about by Chet Holmes in his book “The Ultimate Sales Machine”.

In this blog I will explore what a Dream 100 is and how you can use it to create business growth.

What is the Dream 100?

The Dream 100 is a list of your ideal clients or customers—the ones who could significantly impact your business if you were to land their business. These are not just any customers; they are the clients who could provide the most revenue, influence, or strategic value. By focusing your marketing and sales efforts on this specific group, you maximise your chances of landing high-value accounts.

Why Should You Create a Dream 100 List?

The Dream 100 strategy is about working smarter, not harder. Instead of spreading your efforts thin across a broad market, you concentrate on a select group of high-potential clients. Here’s why this approach is so powerful:

  • Focus on Quality, Not Quantity:

It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game—chasing more clients, more sales, more leads. However, not all clients are created equal. By identifying and targeting your top 100 prospects, you can invest more time and resources in nurturing relationships that are likely to yield the highest returns.

  • Build Meaningful Relationships:

When you narrow your focus to a Dream 100 list, you have the opportunity to build deep, meaningful relationships with potential clients. These relationships often lead to long-term partnerships that are more lucrative and stable than one-off transactions.

  • Maximise Marketing Efficiency:

With a clear target list, your marketing efforts become more strategic. Instead of casting a wide net, you can tailor your messaging, offers, and outreach specifically to the needs and preferences of your Dream 100.

How to Create Your Dream 100 List

Creating a Dream 100 list is a thoughtful process that involves research, strategy, and a deep understanding of your business goals. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Identify Your Ideal Client Profile

Start by defining what makes a client “ideal” for your business. This could include factors like:

  • Revenue Potential: How much could this client potentially spend with your business?
  • Strategic Value: Could this client open doors to other opportunities or provide significant influence in your industry?
  • Cultural Fit: Does this client align with your business values and culture?

Once you have a clear picture of what your ideal client looks like, you can start identifying specific companies or individuals that match this profile.

  1. Conduct Thorough Research

Research is critical in building your Dream 100 list. Use tools like LinkedIn, industry reports, and company websites to gather information about potential clients. Pay attention to their pain points, business objectives, and decision-makers. The more you know about your prospects, the better you can tailor your approach. Speak to other people who may know the business or have worked with them before for even deeper insights.

  1. Segment Your List

Not all prospects on your Dream 100 list will be at the same stage of readiness. Some may be ready to engage with you immediately, while others may need more nurturing. Segment your list into categories that reflect for example, create a list of those that are ready to engage and close a deal, those that are aware of you and interested but not ready to commit and then a group for cold prospects that need more information to nurture them through your sales process.

This segmentation will help you prioritse your efforts and tailor your messaging accordingly.

  1. Create a Personalised Outreach Strategy

With your Dream 100 list in hand, it’s time to develop a personalised outreach strategy for each segment. This might include:

  • Direct Mail Campaigns: Sending something unique or valuable to capture their attention.
  • Email Sequences: Writing personalised emails that speak directly to their needs and interests.
  • Social Media Engagement: Connecting and interacting with them on platforms like LinkedIn or Instagram.
  • Phone Calls: Building a personal connection through direct conversation.

Remember, persistence is key. It may take multiple touchpoints to get on the radar of your Dream 100 prospects.

  1. Track and Adjust Your Approach

As with any strategy, it’s important to track your results and adjust your approach as needed. Keep an eye on which methods are working and which aren’t. Don’t be afraid to tweak your messaging or try new tactics if you’re not getting the desired response.

The Role of Mindset in the Dream 100 Strategy

Creating and executing a Dream 100 strategy requires a specific mindset—one that combines patience, perseverance, and a long-term view of success. Here’s how mindset plays a role:

  • Patience: Building relationships with your Dream 100 prospects takes time. You may not see immediate results, but if you stay the course, the payoff can be substantial.
  • Perseverance: Don’t get discouraged by initial rejections or lack of response. The key is to keep refining your approach and maintain consistent outreach.
  • Strategic Thinking: Always keep your end goals in mind. Each interaction with your Dream 100 should bring you one step closer to securing their business.

If you’ve never been through this process before and a Dream 100 feels a little overwhelming, start with a Dream 25, then a Dream 50 until you reach the 100!

The Dream 100 strategy is not just about creating a list—it’s about transforming the way you approach business development. By focusing on the clients that can truly have an impact your business, you position yourself for sustainable growth and long-term success.