At our March Black Country Business Growth Community we took our learning from Scott McKain, Customer Experience and Distinction Expert.
“How to Create Distinction In A Changing World”
There were some incredible BFO’s (Blinding Flashes of the Obvious) about how crucial it is to be distinct as a business – not only from the point of view of attracting new customers but also to attract new employees.
No customer will choose to buy from or work with you because you are the same as everybody else so we have to learn how we can separate ourselves from the rest of the marketing place because…
There can often be a fear around standing out too much.
Being similar is safe.
But, in being similar we might find our only distinction is price and when we’re competing on price our customers will keep following the cheapest price and that won’t always be ours.
So, how can we be distinct? How can we attract new customers and what do we need to understand that helps us to retain them?
This is where Scott McKain’s ‘Four Cornerstones of Distinction’ shows us how we can create that level of distinction.

Scott McKain’s Four Cornerstones of Distinction
Focus on what it takes to stand out and what makes us stand out from our competition.
What is interesting here is that so many of us think we know the reason we stand out…but that isn’t what our customers think!
In research commissioned by Scott McKain they asked companies “What makes you unique?”
20% didn’t know (this is worrying in itself! If you don’t know how do you do more of it?!) and 80% said it was their customer service.
When the researchers then went on to ask the customers “Why do you do business with them” Only 8% said it was because of their customer service.
If we think what makes us different isn’t what our customers think make us different then we look out of touch so we need to know why our customers choose us…and why they don’t!
Think CLARITY in everything you do.
What are you doing uniquely? What are you doing more creatively than you did a year ago?
Creativity isn’t about being different for the sake of being different it is about finding unique ways to serve customers.
One way to do this is to tell stories – talk about the connection with your customers not just about the product. Your competitors won’t have your stories.
Identify a single point where you can develop a difference and then do that point creatively.
In this context great communication is our ability to connect with our customers through the power of a story.
Telling people all about our products and services doesn’t always help them to see how it can improve their business or their life.
Creating stories around what you do helps people to see your distinctions and how they might be able to use the product/service to make things better for them.
What is your story? How can you tell your story so that the customer is the HERO and not you?
How does it feel to do business with you?
What is the emotional experience that is created by doing business with you?
This is all about creating and delivering the ultimate customer experience – making the customer feel like they are getting something from you that they won’t get anywhere else.
When all of these four cornerstones come together, and we are truly focussed on what makes us stand our then we will find unique ways to show that to our potential customers and deliver it in a way that they won’t get elsewhere.
Put this into practice in your business and see what different results it drives.
Looking for more learning to help your business grow? Take a look at some of our other blogs and podcasts.